Usa USL League Two Live Scores & Results, Live Stream, Live Table & Video Highlights

USL League Two

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Ever wondered how you can stream the matches of the USL League Two of Usa for free? Well, you've come to the right place as ScoreBat covers all matches of Usa's USL League Two in real time providing free live streaming alongside the live scores, match stats, head-to-head results and team lineups. Usa USL League Two's live scores are updated in real time so any time a team scores a goal the result is immediately updated and our users can follow the livescore without refreshing the page. It only takes a couple of seconds for the USL League Two's livescore to be updated so we can proudly say we are the fastest to deliver the livescore of Usa's USL League Two matches. But it's not just the livescore: you can also check who scored the goal, received a yellow card or got substituted alongside the starting lineups and team formations for each match. You can watch the live video of Usa USL League Two's matches for free on ScoreBat. Live streaming usually starts a couple of minutes before the kick-off as our sophisticated search crawler finds the best stream for each match of the USL League Two of Usa. Please note that we are only providing live-streaming when we can find a publicly available stream so be aware that the live streaming might be unavailable in your region. We are not hosting or broadcasting any video content as all the content is hosted on third party websites like youtube, so if you think that the video infriges your copyright please contact the website that hosts it.

Apart from the live stream we also have Usa USL League Two's goal videos and match highlights updated in real time. The video of each goal is being added usually a minute after the event so you can watch it in case you missed it. We are also adding full match highlights after every match of the USL League Two of Usa.

There are 14 matches being played in the USL League Two of Usa today. Sueno are playing Menace, Lane United are playing Tacoma Stars, Glens SC are playing Project 51O, Midlakes United are playing FC Olympia, St. Petersburg FC are playing Miami, Cedar are playing Motown-2, Chicago City are playing St. Charles, Kings Hammer are playing Fort Wayne, Manhattan are playing Staten Island ASC, Chicago Dutch Lions are playing River Light, Houston are playing Houston Sur, Marin are playing Monterey Bay-2, Albion Colorado are playing Flatirons Rush and Ventura are playing Arizona Arsenal.

You can check Usa USL League Two's live table to see the positions of the teams in real time as the standings are updated instantly. Apart from the total points earned by each team of the USL League Two you can also check how many wins, losses and draws each team has, how many goals they have scored or conceded. Usa USL League Two's league table is recalculated and resorted the second any of the teams score a goal so you don't need to refresh the page to see the up-to-date standings. So Vermont Green are the leaders in the table with 10 points after 4 matches : they have won 3 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 7 goals - 1.75 per match, conceding 1 - 0.25 per match. Seacoast Utd Phantoms are the 2nd with 9 points in 3 matches : they have won 3 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 11 goals - 3.67 per match, conceding 1 - 0.33 per match. Western Mass Pioneers are the 3rd with 9 points in 3 matches : they have won 3 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 9 goals - 3.00 per match, conceding 0 - 0.00 per match. AC Connecticut are the 4th with 4 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 5 goals - 1.67 per match, conceding 9 - 3.00 per match. Boston Bolts are the 5th with 1 point in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 1 goal - 0.33 per match, conceding 3 - 1.00 per match. Black Rock are the 6th with 1 point in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 0.67 per match, conceding 5 - 1.67 per match. Pathfinder are the 7th with 1 point in 2 matches : they have won 0 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 1 goal - 0.50 per match, conceding 5 - 2.50 per match. Albany Rush are the 8th with 1 point in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 4 goals - 1.33 per match, conceding 9 - 3.00 per match. Boston City are the 9th with 0 points in 2 matches : they have won 0 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 0 goals - 0.00 per match, conceding 7 - 3.50 per match. Florida Elite are the 10th with 9 points in 5 matches : they have won 2 of their 5 matches in USL League Two, drawing 3 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 6 goals - 1.20 per match, conceding 4 - 0.80 per match. Nona are the 11th with 5 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 2 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 7 goals - 2.33 per match, conceding 2 - 0.67 per match. Inter Gainesville are the 12th with 4 points in 2 matches : they have won 1 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 3 goals - 1.50 per match, conceding 1 - 0.50 per match. Brave SC are the 13th with 2 points in 2 matches : they have won 0 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 2 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 2 - 1.00 per match. Brooke House are the 14th with 2 points in 4 matches : they have won 0 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 2 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 3 goals - 0.75 per match, conceding 6 - 1.50 per match. Brevard are the 15th with 0 points in 2 matches : they have won 0 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 0 goals - 0.00 per match, conceding 6 - 3.00 per match. Ballard are the 16th with 7 points in 3 matches : they have won 2 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 10 goals - 3.33 per match, conceding 3 - 1.00 per match. Tacoma Stars are the 17th with 7 points in 3 matches : they have won 2 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 10 goals - 3.33 per match, conceding 4 - 1.33 per match. Lane United are the 18th with 5 points in 4 matches : they have won 1 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 2 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 5 goals - 1.25 per match, conceding 4 - 1.00 per match. West Seattle Junction are the 19th with 5 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 2 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 4 goals - 1.33 per match, conceding 3 - 1.00 per match. United PDX are the 20th with 2 points in 2 matches : they have won 0 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 2 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 2 - 1.00 per match. Portland U-23 are the 21st with 1 point in 2 matches : they have won 0 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 3 goals - 1.50 per match, conceding 6 - 3.00 per match. FC Olympia are the 22nd with 1 point in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 0.67 per match, conceding 9 - 3.00 per match. Midlakes United are the 23rd with 0 points in 2 matches : they have won 0 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 7 - 3.50 per match. Ventura are the 24th with 7 points in 3 matches : they have won 2 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 6 goals - 2.00 per match, conceding 0 - 0.00 per match. AMSG FC are the 25th with 7 points in 3 matches : they have won 2 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 7 goals - 2.33 per match, conceding 3 - 1.00 per match. Capo-2 are the 26th with 6 points in 4 matches : they have won 2 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 8 goals - 2.00 per match, conceding 7 - 1.75 per match. Tucson are the 27th with 5 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 2 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 7 goals - 2.33 per match, conceding 4 - 1.33 per match. Arizona Arsenal are the 28th with 5 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 2 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 6 goals - 2.00 per match, conceding 4 - 1.33 per match. Redlands FC are the 29th with 4 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 10 goals - 3.33 per match, conceding 5 - 1.67 per match. Coachella are the 30th with 1 point in 4 matches : they have won 0 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 3 defeats this season scoring 1 goal - 0.25 per match, conceding 12 - 3.00 per match. Southern California are the 31st with 0 points in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 3 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 0.67 per match, conceding 12 - 4.00 per match. Flatirons Rush are the 32nd with 4 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 6 goals - 2.00 per match, conceding 5 - 1.67 per match. Albion Colorado are the 33rd with 3 points in 1 match : they have won 1 of their 1 match in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 2.00 per match, conceding 1 - 1.00 per match. New Mexico U-23 are the 34th with 3 points in 1 match : they have won 1 of their 1 match in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 2.00 per match, conceding 1 - 1.00 per match. Utah Avalanche are the 35th with 3 points in 1 match : they have won 1 of their 1 match in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 2.00 per match, conceding 1 - 1.00 per match. Utah United are the 36th with 3 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 5 goals - 1.67 per match, conceding 5 - 1.67 per match. Salt City are the 37th with 1 point in 2 matches : they have won 0 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 3 goals - 1.50 per match, conceding 4 - 2.00 per match. CISA are the 38th with 0 points in 1 match : they have won 0 of their 1 match in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 0 goals - 0.00 per match, conceding 3 - 3.00 per match. Hudson Valley are the 39th with 9 points in 3 matches : they have won 3 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 10 goals - 3.33 per match, conceding 2 - 0.67 per match. Cedar are the 40th with 6 points in 3 matches : they have won 2 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 7 goals - 2.33 per match, conceding 3 - 1.00 per match. Long Island are the 41st with 6 points in 2 matches : they have won 2 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 5 goals - 2.50 per match, conceding 2 - 1.00 per match. Staten Island ASC are the 42nd with 6 points in 3 matches : they have won 2 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 3 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 4 - 1.33 per match. Westchester are the 43rd with 3 points in 1 match : they have won 1 of their 1 match in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 2.00 per match, conceding 0 - 0.00 per match. Manhattan are the 44th with 3 points in 2 matches : they have won 1 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 3 goals - 1.50 per match, conceding 5 - 2.50 per match. Motown-2 are the 45th with 1 point in 2 matches : they have won 0 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 2 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 4 - 2.00 per match. Morris Elite are the 46th with 1 point in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 1 goal - 0.33 per match, conceding 4 - 1.33 per match. New Jersey Copa are the 47th with 0 points in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 3 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 0.67 per match, conceding 6 - 2.00 per match. Ironbound are the 48th with 0 points in 2 matches : they have won 0 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 7 - 3.50 per match. Midwest United are the 49th with 16 points in 6 matches : they have won 5 of their 6 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 11 goals - 1.83 per match, conceding 4 - 0.67 per match. Kalamazoo FC are the 50th with 7 points in 4 matches : they have won 2 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 8 goals - 2.00 per match, conceding 4 - 1.00 per match. Flint City are the 51st with 7 points in 3 matches : they have won 2 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 3 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 1 - 0.33 per match. Ann Arbor are the 52nd with 7 points in 4 matches : they have won 2 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 7 goals - 1.75 per match, conceding 6 - 1.50 per match. Lansing City are the 53rd with 5 points in 4 matches : they have won 1 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 2 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 3 goals - 0.75 per match, conceding 3 - 0.75 per match. Oakland County are the 54th with 3 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 0.67 per match, conceding 3 - 1.00 per match. Michiana Lions are the 55th with 0 points in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 3 defeats this season scoring 1 goal - 0.33 per match, conceding 7 - 2.33 per match. Union FC Macomb are the 56th with 0 points in 5 matches : they have won 0 of their 5 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 5 defeats this season scoring 5 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 12 - 2.40 per match. Peoria are the 57th with 10 points in 4 matches : they have won 3 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 17 goals - 4.25 per match, conceding 1 - 0.25 per match. Menace are the 58th with 7 points in 4 matches : they have won 2 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 10 goals - 2.50 per match, conceding 3 - 0.75 per match. St. Charles are the 59th with 7 points in 3 matches : they have won 2 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 10 goals - 3.33 per match, conceding 5 - 1.67 per match. River Light are the 60th with 7 points in 3 matches : they have won 2 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 6 goals - 2.00 per match, conceding 4 - 1.33 per match. Chicago City are the 61st with 3 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 5 goals - 1.67 per match, conceding 9 - 3.00 per match. Sueno are the 62nd with 3 points in 4 matches : they have won 1 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 3 defeats this season scoring 5 goals - 1.25 per match, conceding 10 - 2.50 per match. Chicago Dutch Lions are the 63rd with 0 points in 5 matches : they have won 0 of their 5 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 5 defeats this season scoring 0 goals - 0.00 per match, conceding 21 - 4.20 per match. West Chester Utd are the 64th with 7 points in 3 matches : they have won 2 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 9 goals - 3.00 per match, conceding 3 - 1.00 per match. Reading FC are the 65th with 6 points in 3 matches : they have won 2 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 10 goals - 3.33 per match, conceding 3 - 1.00 per match. Ocean City are the 66th with 6 points in 2 matches : they have won 2 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 7 goals - 3.50 per match, conceding 1 - 0.50 per match. Philadelphia Lone Star are the 67th with 4 points in 5 matches : they have won 1 of their 5 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 3 defeats this season scoring 8 goals - 1.60 per match, conceding 18 - 3.60 per match. RC New Jersey are the 68th with 3 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 1 goal - 0.33 per match, conceding 7 - 2.33 per match. LVU Rush are the 69th with 0 points in 2 matches : they have won 0 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 0 goals - 0.00 per match, conceding 3 - 1.50 per match. Louisiana are the 70th with 7 points in 3 matches : they have won 2 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 5 goals - 1.67 per match, conceding 2 - 0.67 per match. Little Rock Rangers are the 71st with 7 points in 3 matches : they have won 2 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 3 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 0 - 0.00 per match. Mississippi Brilla are the 72nd with 2 points in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 2 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 1 goal - 0.33 per match, conceding 3 - 1.00 per match. Hattiesburg are the 73rd with 1 point in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 0.67 per match, conceding 4 - 1.33 per match. Blue Goose are the 74th with 1 point in 2 matches : they have won 0 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 1 goal - 0.50 per match, conceding 3 - 1.50 per match. North Carolina Fusion U-23 are the 75th with 13 points in 5 matches : they have won 4 of their 5 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 14 goals - 2.80 per match, conceding 1 - 0.20 per match. United Bantams are the 76th with 10 points in 4 matches : they have won 3 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 9 goals - 2.25 per match, conceding 3 - 0.75 per match. Salem City are the 77th with 9 points in 5 matches : they have won 2 of their 5 matches in USL League Two, drawing 3 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 8 goals - 1.60 per match, conceding 4 - 0.80 per match. Charlotte Eagles are the 78th with 8 points in 5 matches : they have won 2 of their 5 matches in USL League Two, drawing 2 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 12 goals - 2.40 per match, conceding 10 - 2.00 per match. West Virginia are the 79th with 4 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 4 goals - 1.33 per match, conceding 4 - 1.33 per match. Charlotte Independence-2 are the 80th with 3 points in 6 matches : they have won 1 of their 6 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 5 defeats this season scoring 6 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 14 - 2.33 per match. Wake are the 81st with 1 point in 4 matches : they have won 0 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 3 defeats this season scoring 6 goals - 1.50 per match, conceding 14 - 3.50 per match. Tobacco Road are the 82nd with 1 point in 4 matches : they have won 0 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 3 defeats this season scoring 1 goal - 0.25 per match, conceding 10 - 2.50 per match. RKC SC are the 83rd with 6 points in 2 matches : they have won 2 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 9 goals - 4.50 per match, conceding 2 - 1.00 per match. Bavarian United are the 84th with 6 points in 2 matches : they have won 2 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 5 goals - 2.50 per match, conceding 1 - 0.50 per match. St. Croix are the 85th with 3 points in 2 matches : they have won 1 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 4 goals - 2.00 per match, conceding 2 - 1.00 per match. Rochester FC are the 86th with 3 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 4 goals - 1.33 per match, conceding 11 - 3.67 per match. Thunder Bay Chill is yet to play a match in USL League Two this season. Minneapolis City are the 88th with 0 points in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 3 defeats this season scoring 1 goal - 0.33 per match, conceding 7 - 2.33 per match. Fort Wayne are the 89th with 9 points in 3 matches : they have won 3 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 5 goals - 1.67 per match, conceding 1 - 0.33 per match. Cleveland Force are the 90th with 4 points in 2 matches : they have won 1 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 1 - 0.50 per match. Kings Hammer are the 91st with 4 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 2 goals - 0.67 per match, conceding 2 - 0.67 per match. Buffalo are the 92nd with 3 points in 2 matches : they have won 1 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 4 goals - 2.00 per match, conceding 2 - 1.00 per match. Toledo Villa are the 93rd with 3 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 0.67 per match, conceding 5 - 1.67 per match. Dayton are the 94th with 0 points in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 3 defeats this season scoring 1 goal - 0.33 per match, conceding 5 - 1.67 per match. Virginia Beach are the 95th with 10 points in 5 matches : they have won 3 of their 5 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 9 goals - 1.80 per match, conceding 3 - 0.60 per match. Lionsbridge are the 96th with 9 points in 4 matches : they have won 3 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 7 goals - 1.75 per match, conceding 3 - 0.75 per match. Northern Virginia are the 97th with 6 points in 4 matches : they have won 2 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 4 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 3 - 0.75 per match. Christos are the 98th with 5 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 2 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 6 goals - 2.00 per match, conceding 3 - 1.00 per match. Charlottesville Blues are the 99th with 3 points in 2 matches : they have won 1 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 2 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 3 - 1.50 per match. Patuxent are the 100th with 1 point in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 4 goals - 1.33 per match, conceding 8 - 2.67 per match. Virginia Marauders are the 101st with 0 points in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 3 defeats this season scoring 1 goal - 0.33 per match, conceding 10 - 3.33 per match. Corpus Christi FC are the 102nd with 9 points in 3 matches : they have won 3 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 7 goals - 2.33 per match, conceding 0 - 0.00 per match. Twin City Toucans are the 103rd with 6 points in 3 matches : they have won 2 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 5 goals - 1.67 per match, conceding 5 - 1.67 per match. AHFC Royals are the 104th with 4 points in 2 matches : they have won 1 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 5 goals - 2.50 per match, conceding 4 - 2.00 per match. Houston are the 105th with 1 point in 2 matches : they have won 0 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 2 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 5 - 2.50 per match. Hill Country Lobos are the 106th with 0 points in 2 matches : they have won 0 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 4 goals - 2.00 per match, conceding 6 - 3.00 per match. Houston Sur are the 107th with 0 points in 2 matches : they have won 0 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 0 goals - 0.00 per match, conceding 3 - 1.50 per match. Project 51O are the 108th with 9 points in 4 matches : they have won 3 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 9 goals - 2.25 per match, conceding 6 - 1.50 per match. Glens SC are the 109th with 7 points in 4 matches : they have won 2 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 7 goals - 1.75 per match, conceding 6 - 1.50 per match. Almaden are the 110th with 7 points in 4 matches : they have won 2 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 4 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 3 - 0.75 per match. Davis Legacy are the 111th with 7 points in 4 matches : they have won 2 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 9 goals - 2.25 per match, conceding 9 - 2.25 per match. Monterey Bay-2 are the 112th with 6 points in 3 matches : they have won 2 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 8 goals - 2.67 per match, conceding 4 - 1.33 per match. San Francisco City are the 113th with 4 points in 4 matches : they have won 1 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 0.50 per match, conceding 3 - 0.75 per match. Academica SC are the 114th with 4 points in 6 matches : they have won 1 of their 6 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 4 defeats this season scoring 7 goals - 1.17 per match, conceding 12 - 2.00 per match. Marin are the 115th with 1 point in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 1 goal - 0.33 per match, conceding 4 - 1.33 per match. Asheville City are the 116th with 9 points in 3 matches : they have won 3 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 13 goals - 4.33 per match, conceding 1 - 0.33 per match. Dothan United are the 117th with 7 points in 4 matches : they have won 2 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 7 goals - 1.75 per match, conceding 4 - 1.00 per match. Birmingham-2 are the 118th with 5 points in 4 matches : they have won 1 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 2 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 3 goals - 0.75 per match, conceding 4 - 1.00 per match. East Atlanta are the 119th with 4 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 7 goals - 2.33 per match, conceding 6 - 2.00 per match. Tennessee are the 120th with 3 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 5 goals - 1.67 per match, conceding 8 - 2.67 per match. Athens United are the 121st with 1 point in 2 matches : they have won 0 of their 2 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 1 goal - 0.50 per match, conceding 5 - 2.50 per match. Southern Soccer Academy are the 122nd with 1 point in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 2 defeats this season scoring 1 goal - 0.33 per match, conceding 9 - 3.00 per match. Miami are the 123rd with 8 points in 4 matches : they have won 2 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 2 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 4 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 2 - 0.50 per match. Swan City are the 124th with 6 points in 4 matches : they have won 1 of their 4 matches in USL League Two, drawing 3 and having 0 defeats this season scoring 3 goals - 0.75 per match, conceding 0 - 0.00 per match. Sarasota Paradise are the 125th with 4 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 3 goals - 1.00 per match, conceding 2 - 0.67 per match. Tampa Bay-2 are the 126th with 4 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 5 goals - 1.67 per match, conceding 5 - 1.67 per match. Weston are the 127th with 4 points in 3 matches : they have won 1 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 1 and having 1 defeat this season scoring 1 goal - 0.33 per match, conceding 1 - 0.33 per match. St. Petersburg FC are the 128th with 0 points in 3 matches : they have won 0 of their 3 matches in USL League Two, drawing 0 and having 3 defeats this season scoring 2 goals - 0.67 per match, conceding 8 - 2.67 per match.